CCO leads FINEX-Cebu Tax webinar

SGV’s Tax team held a webinar in cooperation with the Financial Executives Institute of Cebu, Inc. (FINEX-Cebu) titled CREATE bill: Tax Laws and Incentives reCREATEd. FINEX Director for Professional Development Benedict Que welcomed over 70 finance professionals to the webinar. FINEX-Cebu Vice President and Board Member John Michael Lava then introduced Tax Partner Cheryl C. Ong (CCO) as the resource speaker.

CCO covered the key aspects of the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) Act, particularly the adjustments in corporate tax and other taxes, and rationalization of fiscal incentives. She then discussed its other provisions such as job generation performance commitments and the implementing rules and regulations of the Department of Finance. She also shared actions that organizations can consider to maximize the incentives under the Act. FINEX Cebu President Neil Arnold Montesclaros delivered the closing remarks.

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